
Earlier in the year, I wrote a post on some of the top insurance agency reporting methods underutilized by agencies. With so many to share, we’re on to part two. In this post, I’ll outline three reporting tools that will bring you to data wizard status. Start putting these into practice, and you’ll find you can process information faster, easier, and more accurately to help your agency grow.

Read Advanced Agency Reporting part one here

Tool #1: Advanced Search

There are lots of data fields to choose from when searching for data to create reports. Knowing which ones to fill out will make all the difference in your results.

One best practice is to go for maximum specificity. The more fields you request information from, the more specific your report will be. It takes time to get the hang of it, so don’t get discouraged if you keep going too broad. You can always try starting with just a few fields of data filled out and get more specific from there

One of the best ways to get specific is with dates. You can use more generic date ranges like, “next 30 days”, “last week” or “yesterday” to pull data. No hard dates required! Drilling data down to a specific range makes it easier to interpret.

A specific advanced search report to run is an Active Policies report. Enter “active” in the “policy status” section of your search and you’ll access all your current policies and every column of data that comes along with it. That’s some data you can really sink your teeth into, utilizing it to get a pulse on your business and inform sales strategy.

Learn more about how to track data in your insurance agency

Tool #2: Search Criteria

The most useful reports are obtained using the right criteria. However, too often users don’t know their criteria options. In our Partner XE management system, search is available across clients, policies, notes, documents, contacts, and individuals on the desktop side. Knowing what you can search will help you gain the most specified data set.

Sometimes you’ll have an option to set up unique data fields that may only be important to your agency. These customized fields are great tools for tracking referrals, types of clients you are attracting and campaigns you’re running. Having this flexibility will give you a greater look into the type of business you’re growing.

Find out more on customizable features in the Partner XE system

Tool #3: QuickLists

QuickLists are reports in the Partner XE system that are specific to an individual in your office. They can be built and shared amongst colleagues with varying levels of permission (i.e., read-only or edit permissions).

Once QuickLists are built out they can be accessed within a single click. This can save hours for employees who need to run a report weekly or monthly as they can do so without having to rebuild it each time.

Using loose date ranges (as mentioned above) with QuickLists will yield updated search results as the report is executed each, week or month. This saves the user from needing to update date ranges, saving even more time.

At SIS, we’re working each day to add in features like QuickLists to help our partner agencies move faster and work smarter. Find out more on the Partner XE system, our growing Partner XE User Community, and our all-star service and support team at https://sispartnerplatform.com.

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